
Lemland 2021

[ 波兰 / Poland ]
Lemland 2021 International Poster Competition
波兰Lemland纪念Stanislaw Lem国际海报展 2021
Dooo Design Studio
+ 1 项 作品 参展
时 间: 21-07-18    |    // Link | 链接 //



Stanislaw Lem was born on September 12, 1921 in Lviv, died on March 27, 2006 in Cracow, Poland. 2021 is the 100th birthday (and 15th death) anniversary of the greatest Polish science fiction writer. The year 2021 is also a special time for us due to the ongoing struggle against the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic and the rapidly advancing civilization changes Stanisław Lem was a man of above-average intelligence and an exceptional visionary. In his books written back in the twentieth century, Lem predicted the emergence of many devices that function today, such as audiobooks and e-books. He also wrote extensively on various forms of intelligence, including machines as in the novel The Invincible (1964), and the intelligent ocean in the novel Solaris (1961). Lem also addressed the issues of cultural changes generated by the development of technology, e.g. in the novel Return from the Stars (1961).


The LemLand 2021 competition aims primarily to popularize the person of Stanisław Lem himself and his work. Thus, the subject matter of the posters may refer directly to the Author – posters in the form of a tribute to his work – Hommage à Stanisław Lem, his literature and its adaptations – films, performances etc. and to the contexts of our future. Questions about the nature and pace of changes in our reality as a result of technology, as well as questions about the culture-creating role of technology are also the desired topics of competition entries.


斯坦尼斯拉夫·莱姆(Stanislaw Lem, 1921-2006)是波兰著名科幻作家、哲学家,他是20世纪欧洲最多才多艺的作家之一,也是国际公认的科幻小说天才作家。安东尼·伯吉斯称赞莱姆是“当今活跃的作家中最智慧、最博学、最幽默的一位”;库特·冯内古特赞扬他“无论是语言的驾驭、想象力还是塑造悲剧角色的手法,都非常优秀,无人能出其右”。






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