
玻利维亚国际海报双年展 2017

[ 玻利维亚 / Bolivia ]
玻利维亚国际海报双年展 2017
Dooo Design Studio
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时 间: 17-04-25    |    // Link | 链接 //


The Bolivia BICeBIJ ® Cartel Biennial is the most important international event of design and visual communication and a window of Bolivian and Latin American design to the world. The BICeBIJ® is the integrating referent of the region.

Since its inception in 2009, BICeBIJ® promotes excellence and design training; And for this he has worked together with the most prestigious training spaces in the country, and the world.

The event takes place every two years in November and has fulfilled its most relevant objectives of: educating, integrating and projecting national design for the world. More than 150 international designers have passed their doors, leaving their experiences and design experiences openly making BICeBIJ® an ideal space for the exchange of knowledge, Cultural and design networks.

The Biennial revolves around its International Call for Poster Design which is launched a little over a year in advance of the event. Each version tries to innovate in its theme, guests and seeks to contribute to the profession in a constructive way.

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