[ 香港 / Hong Kong ]
Hong Kong International Poster Triennal 2014
Dooo Design Studio
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时 间: 15-01-05 | // Link | 链接 //
视野 – 香港国际海报三年展 2014
Vision – Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2014
承接过往四届三年展的准则,比赛按照国际平面设计社团协会的指引进行,分为「意识形态」、「文化活动推广」、「商业与广告」及今届特设的「专题 – 盲点」共四大组别。今届共有来自32个国家/地区共518位设计师及组合参赛,提交的1,556项作品反映不同地区的独特文化和海报设计的特色。
Teaming up with the Hong Kong Designers Association for the fifth time, the Hong Kong International Poster Triennial continues to document new and exciting developments in poster design while also encouraging international cultural exchange and enriching the museum’s collections. The museum presents the 2014 Poster Triennial in three parts – a competition, an exhibition and a symposium.
We are undertaking the past criteria of Poster Triennial which is in line with the recommendations of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations, the four categories of the competition – Ideology, Promotion of Cultural Events, Commercial and Advertising and Thematic – “Blind Spot” – attracted 1,556 works, a grand total that represented the diverse creativity of 518 designers and groups hailing from 32 countries/regions and provided a comprehensive overview of the latest trends in global poster design.
A highly professional and critical selection process by a judging panel of prominent names in design Dr. Jianping He from Germany, Ms. Luba Lukova from the USA, Mr. Masayoshi Kodaira from Japan, Mr. Ralph Schraivogel from Switzerland, and Mr. John Warwicker from the UK – has produced shortlisted 222 entries for the event. Showcased in an artistically blend also featuring representative works by the five judges, these poster designs from across the world perfectly reflect the curatorial perspective of the exhibition as a dynamic kaleidoscope of “vision”.
书 名:视野 - 香港国际海报三年展2014
出 版:香港文化博物馆
时 间:2014